How Much are Personal Injury Claims for TBIs Worth?

How Much are Personal Injury Claims for TBIs Worth?

One of the first questions a victim of an injury accident asks their lawyer is how much they can get from their injury claim. This is understandable considering the amount of distress that a person may have had to endure from their injury incident. When it comes to accidents that result in traumatic brain injuries, there can be a wide range of harm sustained. Minor head trauma where only temporary vision issues occur is going to look much different from the person who was hospitalized over the long term for a coma. Or, for the individual that was harmed permanently who has to deal with chronic seizures, for that matter.

In the state of Florida, if you or a loved one sustained a TBI injury by the actions of a negligent party, you could benefit from speaking with the Orlando personal injury attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group. TBI injuries can happen in many ways. One common way that head trauma takes place is after a traffic incident like a motorcycle accident. For example, if a person is thrown from their bike and their head smashes to the ground, it is likely some amount of head injury will result. Depending on how severe it is, that individual may have to manage the following damages:

  • Medical expenses.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Property Damages.
  • Lost wages from being unable to go back to work.

It is important to get the most from a personal injury claim to cover all of these costs. The experienced Orlando head injury attorneys at the Vaughan Law Group offer victims the highest quality legal representation to help them get as much as possible from their injury claim.

How Much Can A TBI Victim Obtain from their Injury Claim?

How Much are Personal Injury Claims for TBIs WorthWhen the head sustains a blow of force it shakes the brain inside. As the brain smashes around inside of the skull, its tissue can be greatly damaged. The result of how immense the damages are and where they exist can dictate what symptoms a victim will experience. A TBI can impact how the brain operates.

A victim of a TBI accident can have a wide range of implications that affect their quality of life. Securing a fair settlement after an incident happens is critical. How much a victim can get from their claim will vary based on the details of their accident. While you may be tempted to use an online TBI settlement calculator, do not take the results too seriously. These devices are far from accurate. The best way to get an understanding of the true value of your injury claim is to speak with a knowledgeable brain injury attorney.

Speak with a Brain Injury Attorney Today

The Orlando brain injury lawyers at the Vaughan Law Group know how to evaluate personal injury cases including those that involved a TBI. The Vaughan Law Group can go over your injury accident experience and advise you on what you deserve. Call today to schedule a free consultation at (407) 648-1426.